Hey Tanya! Thank you for being our MM muse! For anyone that doesn’t know you, how would you describe yourself in three words?
Hey queens, thank you for having me! I think I would describe myself as tenacious, compassionate, and authentic.
We first connected via Instagram (thank you internet!) and we found you so damn cool! Your personal style is always on point and then the styling work you do within the London scene is stunning & constantly stands out. How did you get started within the fashion world and what did it take to get to where you are now?
Aww thank you so much what a compliment. I always knew I wanted to work in fashion so as soon as I graduated I interned for Beth Buxton and then Anna Trevelyn and from there worked my way up. I studied languages so I knew I would need to gain as much work experience as possible and climb the ladder that way as I hadn’t studied fashion.
We see you constantly supporting smaller brands and we love this about you, its so refreshing! Is this something that is important to you?
Really important to me. In a world where we are all consumed by fast fashion brands who tend to use cheap labour and sub consciously encourage one time wear outfits, I think we need to change our mindsets and where we spend our money. Organically grown grafters deserve the recognition a lot more and tend to be more environmentally friendly also.
You not only are the Queen of style but you also have set up your own events company @ghadialondon! Is there anything you can’t do girl?! Where did the idea for this company start – and how did you turn it from an idea to reality?
Aww you ladies are so empowering! I feel like I spoke Ghadia into existence. Every fashion or music event I attend I always find myself focussing more on the creative and strategic side as oppose to the free alcohol and tend to come up with ideas in my head at parties. I realised it was another pot I wanted to dip my hand into, and spoke about it with my friend Ellie which led to Ghadia producing Maya Jama’s halloween party and from there it kicked off.
It seems that you are really connected to your own culture and it is heavily referenced in your gorgeous styling. How important is this element of your lifestyle to your work and how does it inspire you?
I actually neglected my culture and roots for years, due to there being a lack of acceptance around it and being teased at school for having Indian features etc. As I’ve got older I’ve grown closer to my family and Indian/ Asian friends, and from going to India with a more mature perspective I’ve realised how lucky I am to be where I’m from and how beautiful the culture is. The colours, the aesthetic and meaning behind their fashion constantly inspires me and motivates me to show it in my work and personal style. Plus, theres a lack of ethnic representation in the creative industry so us melanated babes need to stand up tall.
You’re such an inspiration in the styling world - do you have any advice for other women looking to set out on a similar path in the fashion industry?
Umm this is when imposter syndrome kicks in, as I struggle to feel qualified enough to give advice. I’d say to keep creating, keep building your portfolio and reach out to other photographers, models etc and ask to work with them- even if its for free. It’s a tough road of earning very little at the start but if you’re sure its your purpose, don’t give up. Get a part time job if you have to, there’s no shame in having side hustles whilst pursuing your dreams. Network when you can and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also write down your ideas when you have them and make it your mission to execute them. If you don’t succeed you’ll only ever learn.
You’re out there living the busy London life and absolutely killing it - what’s your secret?? Do you have any particular tricks to taking care of yourself both physically and mentally?
Thank you!! I have sick days and shit days, I forget to give myself time and then when I do I can feel guilty about doing so. I try to go to the gym at least a few times a week which helps massively with both my mental and physical state. I’ve made a conscious effort to try and be a lot more present when around friends and even work/ networking environments. I no longer say yes to everything, in fact I’m very selective at saying yes to much these days. Even if I ‘should’ attend, it needs to feel right and be the correct vibe for my energy. Lastly, I write lists a lot more now, which is an obvious but powerful trick to keeping organised and on top of London’s busy lifestyle.
Other than being your fabulous self - do you have any goals or ambitions for the year ahead?
You guys are too cute I can’t deal! I have so many goals and ambitions to be honest. I would love to grow further with music artists as their stylist and go on tours with them as well as expand on Ghadia and work with bigger brands and more music labels. I want to work with charities and am keen to start writing again- I could go on. I try not to restrict myself to time limits anymore though, I more allow the journey to unravel as its supposed to and try to neglect deadline expectations to avoid disappointment.
We are so obsessed with all your work that we are struggling to pick our favourite - do you have any particular campaigns that stand out as a favourite for you?
Thank you, I appreciate you ladies. That’s a really hard question to answer, I have a few favourite projects that I’ve worked on over the years. I value all the editorials I’ve collaborated with Misha Meghna on and have loved every music artist I’ve styled from music videos to press shots to red carpet dressing. It’s all art which is subjective, and everything I’ve been involved in has allowed me to create, that in itself is the best part of all my work.
You wear our jewels like a total Queen! What are your three Mountain & Moon ‘must-have’ pieces right now?
Only 3?! That’s difficult - I LOVE your Aquaria earrings, the size is as extra as me! The green onyx stones are stunning and I’m an Aquarius and love water so they’re perfect. Your Priscilla earrings in all the colours are gorgeous too, I love that you incorporate so many different stones in your gold goodness. Thirdly either your Elixir or Infinity rings. If I could say more I would!