Introducing Emmi! She's an amazing mum of 2, Perth PR and Communications magnate and loving wife. Find out what a day in the life of Emmi looks like and why Mel Robbins is one of her favourite motivational speakers. We loved this!
A big thank you to Emmi for taking the time to share a moment with us. Find out more about this inspirational beauty below.
Hello Queen! For those that don’t know you, can you tell us who you are and what you do?
Hello I am Emmi Masten and I’m a Perth local working in hospitality communications after many years working in the PR fashion & lifestyle industry.
What's your sign baby?
LEO!! I’m very proud of it but aren’t most Leos!
What does a day look like in the life of Emmi?
Daily school commute, drive into the city where you will find me working across a number of Perth’s bars and restaurants such as Dandelion in Karrinyup and Fleur in the CBD. Each day is very different but I focus my time on copywriting, press outreach, content creation, collaborations, working with our in-house team, media campaigns and event planning.
You’re an amazing mama to your two beautiful children, how do you balance (or juggle) work & motherhood? Any tips for us?
A number of years ago around the same time I had my son, something the Motivational speaker Mel Robbins spoke about really stuck with me.
She talks about the ‘Progress Principle’ and if you can focus on making progress on one thing a day it can allow you to get more done.
Completing just one task can give you a huge sense of control and progress. She encourages you to let go after completing the project and allow the rest of your day to get “hijacked”. I try to apply this each day, especially the days I am feeling overwhelmed and as simple as it is, it really helps.
Tell us something no one knows about you…
There is not a lot, as I am a Leo! When I was little I had a complete obsession with Limousines, I would talk about them all the time and weirdly just daydream about being in one. My grandparents superimposed my photo next to different limousines. Safe to say I’m over that now haha!
What gives you motivation to work towards your goals?
I’ve really enjoyed watching my husband Chris build his life after working in the same role for 13 years. I’ve seen him completely reinvent himself. He stepped into a new industry after having little knowledge and he has completely immersed himself into the wine industry. You could say he is besotted and this really inspires me to work on my own career and path.
If you could tell your 16 year old self something, what would it be?
Stick with something you really love and stay focused. I definitely had ‘shiny object syndrome’ being constantly distracted by the next best thing. I loved my art studies but I gave it up and something I will always regret.
You’re planning a dinner party with three other people, past or present, who are they & what are you cooking?
David Attenborough, Meryl Streep, Anthony Bourdain and I would be cooking Crab Linguini and offering an extravagant selection of Oysters (to go with the very best Champers)!
Thank you for wearing our MM jewels in your own fabulous way! What style could you not leave home without?
Most often than not I am wearing my MM jewels! I live in my Rita & Roxanne Necklace as they can be worn day to night, Last week I wore my Leo Earrings at work, how fun is a bit of 80’s door knocker vibes!
Emmi wears the Juliet Earrings in Crystal Quartz, the Rita & Roxanne Necklace and the Leo Earrings. Also featured are the Alexandra Earrings in Green Onyx.